The experience of prostate cancer is a difficult time for many men.

Global authorities agree that psychosocial care is integral to prostate cancer care. Several countries have developed clinical practice guidelines and standards to guide psychosocial care in adults with cancer. However, screening for distress and referral to evidence-based psychosocial care has not yet been systematically implemented in prostate cancer care in the Australian setting.

To address this gap we have developed the Monograph: A psychosocial care model for men with prostate cancer and the Prostate Cancer Distress Screen.

Click here to download the screening tool.


The Monograph and Distress Screen conform to our  Position Statement on Screening for Distress and Psychosocial Care for Men with Prostate Cancer, which recommends:

  1. After the diagnosis of prostate cancer and regularly through treatment and surveillance men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer should be screened for distress and their psychological and quality of life concerns should be explored.
  1. Men who have high levels of distress should be further evaluated for anxiety and/or depression and evidence of suicidality.
  2. Men who have high distress or need for support should be referred to evidence-based intervention matched to their individual needs and preferences for support.


For more information and to order printed copies of the screening tool, click here to email our team or phone 1800 22 00 99.