To protect the men we love from the pain of deadly prostate cancer, we must act now - tomorrow is too late. 

When Steve was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer at the age of 59, it was already too late - the cancer had spread throughout his entire body.

"Initially, I was given a ten-year window to live," said Steve, "but that window kept shrinking. Now I don't even know if I'll make it to two years."

Following his diagnosis, Steve and his wife Bec felt a series of losses. They mourned the life they'd built together, the retirement and travel plans they'd never see fulfilled, the family that would have to go on without a husband, a father and grandfather.

"To process all those losses all at once," said Steve, "It just blows you apart. I grieve for the relationship I was going to have with my grandkids, and seeing that relationship grow with my son when he has his children."

Tragically, Steve passed away on February 29 this year, with his wife and children by his side.

No man or his family should have to face the agony of a deadly prostate cancer diagnosis. But the tragic reality is that 3,743 Australian men lose their lives to the disease every year.

Soon after this passing, Bec spoke of her grief, and her determination to make a difference in the world in memory of Steve. "Steve was my world. He was my strength, and to have him taken away so early is utterly heartbreaking to me and our family. I hope to make a difference for him with my life now."

Today, your support can make a life-changing difference to men like Steve.

In 2022, PCFA created the Prostate Cancer Future Fund to stimulate investment in Australian-based medical research that could end prostate cancer deaths for all men.

Research holds the key to protecting the men we love from deadly prostate cancer. We can all make a difference for men like Steve.

But we must act now. Only the research we do today can save men's lives tomorrow.

Please give generously to PCFA's Prostate Cancer Future Fund to help accelerate research into deadly prostate cancer, and speed the path to a cure for men whose lives depend on it. 

Donate today. Tomorrow is too late.



Your donation is helping fund the research that eliminates prostate cancer as a deadly disease.

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Account Name: Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia Ltd
BSB: 062 000
Account Number: 12668231
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