Please donate to our Prostate Cancer Future Fund to fund life-saving answers for men like Stuart.

In March 2022, Stuart was diagnosed with Stage 4 prostate cancer. Since his diagnosis, he has undergone two rounds of treatment - and is now on his third. 

Sadly, Stuart's cancer has become resistant to conventional treatment.

If we are to have a chance of saving Stuart's life, we urgently need the support of people like you to fund the prostate cancer research he needs today - not three, or five, or ten years down the track.

Right now, around 80% of viable prostate cancer research projects go unfunded - but it doesn't have to be this way.

As someone who has given so generously to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, we know how deeply you care about helping protect Australian men from the pain of prostate cancer.

By investing in our Prostate Cancer Future Fund, you can help fund the life-saving research that eliminates prostate cancer as a deadly disease.

Your generous gift will go directly towards funding two new research projects into the deadliest forms of prostate cancer. Together we can make sure that more men like Stuart don't have to hear the gut-wrenching news that their cancer can't be stopped.

"We're at this really interesting time now where we're making big advancements in research, and we can't lose that momentum."

This year, our Prostate Cancer Future Fund is supporting Dr Joanna Achinger-Kawecka and Dr Kate Guan as they investigate the epigenetic drivers of treatment-resistant prostate cancers, and map the metabolic drivers that play a role in prostate cancer's resistance to hormone therapy.

With your support, we hope to raise $140,000 for our Prostate Cancer Future Fund so we can fund one more crucial research project this year.

Please give a gift today to discover the life-saving answers that men like Stuart deserve.

Yes, I want to donate to the Prostate Cancer Future Fund to invest in a future where prostate cancer is no longer a deadly disease.


Your donation is helping find life-saving answers for men like Stuart.

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Donations over $2 are tax deductible.

If you'd like to donate via bank transfer, please use the details below:

Account Name: Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia Ltd
BSB: 062 000
Account Number: 12668231
Payment reference: Your full name

To receive a receipt for donations via bank transfer, please email and quote the payment reference.