19 July 2024

Despite Prostate Cancer being the most commonly diagnosed cancer for men nationally, many men don’t know about Prostate Cancer or where to get help for the emotional impact of a diagnosis.  There are currently 30 Prostate Cancer Support Groups in Victoria, however most men don’t know they exist.

In an effort to create increased awareness on this major threat to the health of Australian men, members from these support groups have established a Council that will aim to be the advocate for all Victorian Prostate Cancer Support Groups.

The ‘Victorian Council of Prostate Cancer Support Groups’ endeavours to provide a caring and nurturing environment for men and their families, whose lives have been affected by Prostate Cancer. Attendees will receive practical information and education that will assist with their journey, including learning about treatments, and how to deal with the emotional, social, practical and personal effects of having the disease.

Thirty-Five men from the Victorian groups attended the inaugural meeting of the new Council, on Thursday 18th of July at the Australian Prostate Centre in North Melbourne, and elected a new executive and discussed initiatives that will raise awareness and help more men.

All groups are affiliated with the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA), who provide support and resources to help them to operate successfully.

The newly elected Chairman of the Council, Support Group Convenor and prostate cancer survivor, Peter Gebert, says times are changing.  “Support groups provide men and their families with valuable information and understanding about living with prostate cancer. It’s the kind of advice you can only get from someone who has been through the disease and is qualitatively different to what a doctor or specialist might tell you.”

Peter and an alliance of Victorian Support Groups are currently working with the PCFA on bold plans to raise awareness of the network’s existence, developing an iconic Blue Man campaign to help spread the word.

For more information or to find a support group, visit https://www.pcfa.org.au/support/find-a-support-group/ or phone the PCFA on 1800 22 00 99.

Media Enquiries:

Peter Gebert
0418 576 682