08 February 2022

In March this year we’ll celebrate the 1st Anniversary of PCFA’s Specialist Telenursing Service, a vital lifeline that has answered thousands of calls over the past 12 months.

In 2021 the service rapidly responded to lockdowns and treatment delays, and many of you called us for help.  

As the service has grown, we have worked hard to create awareness of the support available, so that Australian men don’t suffer in silence. 

And the good news is, you can call about absolutely anything related to prostate cancer. 

As Bernie Riley, General Manager of PCFA’s Supportive Care Programs, says, “No question is too small and there are no silly questions. We are a committed team of experienced prostate cancer nurses who really just want to help you, no matter what your trouble or situation is.”

Men and women call the service for a range of reasons:

  • Information about prostate cancer
  • Understanding various treatment options
  • Incontinence and urinary issues
  • Erectile dysfunction and erectile rehabilitation
  • Relationships and sexual issues
  • Worry and uncertainty about the future
  • Managing side effects
  • Referrals to support groups and MatesConnect

In the last year, we’ve had over 1,000 people call through for support, including patients, wives, partners, sons, daughters, friends, family members, and workmates of those impacted.

“Don’t put off calling if you need advice support – no matter what you need it for,” Bernie says.

“One thing people are often hesitant to call about is their mental health, but I encourage you to call – it can make a big difference talking to someone who understands what you’re going through.

“Feeling not quite like yourself, or feeling flat, worried, sad, lost, low or anxious is all very common after a diagnosis so reach out if you need to chat.

“In addition, the nursing team can help you manage other less commonly talked about issues like sleep problems and fatigue, and provide useful information around weight gain and exercise.”

Once you’ve spoken with a telenurse they can link you with a Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurse in your region if you haven’t already been connected, or arrange to give you a follow up call the following week if you’d like one.

Our Telenurses are available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, with opening hours extended to 8pm AEDT each Wednesday. If you call us outside of these hours, simply leave a message and we’ll return your call.

The number to call is 1800 22 00 99. Remember to let your loved ones know they can call us at any time too.