17 May 2024

Ocean Reef Prostate Cancer Support Group had multiple visitors for a busy meeting in May.

First up was Peter Podias, the Clinical Operations Director of 5D Clinics to explain Cyberknife, an alternative approach to precision radiation treatment.

In a fascinating presentation, Peter Podias explained how the treatment delivers high dose beams of radiation with extreme precision to treat tumours and other lesions anywhere in the body and is the only fully robotic radiation delivery system.

Also in attendance was Dr Georgios Mavropalias of the Exercise Medicine Research Institute at Edith Cowan University. His research interests are eccentric exercise and ‘exercise is medicine’ for some chronic diseases, specifically targeted for cancer and neurological diseases. He specializes in biochemical analyses, muscle architecture and body composition measurements, and data analysis and visualization.

Ken Bezant, chair of PCaHELP, a not-for-profit association run entirely by volunteers to provide information to men and their families affected by prostate cancer, was on hand to discuss the upcoming free Prostate Cancer Conference on Sunday 23rd of June at Como’s Pagoda Resort and Spa.The event will include a great range of presenters who will inform us of the latest treatment options and how to live better with prostate cancer. Mr Bezant also spoke about October’s Tour of Cowaramup a cycling event raising funds and awareness by fund raising for PCaHELP which supports men suffering and surviving prostate cancer.

Additionally, PCFA Community Engagement Manager for Western Australia Stephen Milton met with the group at the Beaumaris Community Centre to explain his new role and talk about the latest developments, research and news coming from Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.

“It was a packed evening with great contributions from our attendees and guests,” said Ocean Reef PCSG leader Ray Lane.

“Peter Podias' presentation on CyberKnife, currently only available in WA, explained that the precision of the high intensity focal beam therapy is due to its robot. The beams accurately track their target, allowing for movement such as respiration and pulse.

"Dr Mavrapalias is welcome as a regular attendee to this and other support groups. Our members have benefitted from his work with 'Exercise is medicine.' One of the roles we have taken on at Ocean Reef is to make our members aware of research trials recruiting eligible prostate cancer warriors.

“Through PCaHELP, Ken Bezant is leading the charge on significant activity and events significantly beneficial for the community impacted by this disease.

"PCFA's Stephen Milton, a welcome visitor from Adelaide, also saw how we work with other not-for-profits to promote social and exercise activities and PCaHELP's locally organised information forums - as well as local fund raising for PCFA research."

Ocean Reef PCSG meets on the third Wednesday of every month (excluding December) commencing with tea and coffee at 6.30 for our7.00 meeting at the Beaumaris Community Centre, 66 Constellation Drive OCEAN REEF WA 6027.

“Partners are always welcome but most men can only bring one,” Ray Lane smiled.