03 July 2024

Fervent Sydney fundraiser Tristan Jackson is facing 31 days alcohol-free to raise vital funds for the 20 NSW men diagnosed with prostate cancer every day.

Tristan has shaved his head and run a half marathon for charity, and this year he’s choosing to lose the booze and raise funds for Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia through Dry July.

“I have always loved getting involved with some type of charity event every year – using my personal and work connections to raise as much awareness and money for a particular charity is important to me,” Mr Jackson said.

“I have had both family and close friends affected by prostate cancer in different ways, and by participating in Dry July, it is an opportunity to raise crucial funds for those in need.

“My father-in-law, Joe Borg, was diagnosed last year with prostate cancer and had surgery, which was successful as it was discovered and treated early enough.

“I have also had a friend go through a similar situation; however his diagnosis was when he was in his mid-20's. It shows that something like this can affect men at any time, so we need to raise awareness,” Mr Jackson said.

Tristan has almost raised $1k of his $2k initial target. He says anyone can participate, and every donation, no matter how big or small, will help make an impact on the wider community.

Australians can donate to his campaign via www.dryjuly.com/users/tristan-jackson.

“For me, Dry July is also a chance to have a good look at your own health, wellbeing and make positive changes in your own life,” Mr Jackson said.

“I think there is still a bit of stigma around men talking about their personal health and wellbeing. But I think we all need to take some time to focus on our own health, so that then we can focus on helping others.

“Prevention is always better than a cure. Don't be afraid to ask questions or get a checkup,” Mr Jackson said.

Around 70 Australian men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every day and 1 in 5 Aussie men are at risk of being diagnosed by the time they turn 85.

CEO of PCFA, Anne Savage, said Tristan’s passion for fundraising would make a difference to the more than 25,000 men diagnosed with prostate cancer in Australia annually, and their families.

“Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia, and the second most common cause of cancer death nationally,” Ms Savage said.

“Early detection and diagnosis of prostate cancer is lifesaving. It is crucial that we help men to be aware of symptoms and risk factors – and Tristan’s Dry July fundraising campaign is one way we’re able to do that.

“Tristan is a great fundraising role model – we applaud his efforts, and are proud to see him rally his community at work and online in support of our mission.

“By donating to Tristan’s campaign, or signing up for Dry July yourself, you’re helping us significantly reduce the impact of prostate cancer on Australian men, their partners and families.”

Australians can sign up to go dry and raise funds this July for PCFA via www.dryjuly.com/users/tristan-jackson.

More information about PCFA is available via 1800 22 00 99 or pcfa.org.au.


Media contacts for further information or interviews:

PCFA - 1800 22 00 99

Katie Clift – katie@maybe.agency |M +351 913 976 202