18 March 2025

This month we caught up with Townsville Prostate Cancer Support Group Leader Clarke Berglin to find out more about his story and what motivates him to give back.  

Thank you, Clarke, for your dedication to the group and ongoing support in the community. 

  1. When did you join the Townsville PCSG? 

I first heard about Support Groups from a booklet given to me at diagnosis in 2010. I contacted Les Payne from the group and met him in person and started attending meetings when I could (I was still working). I continued attending meetings after my treatment. 

I became Secretary of the group in mid-2011 and later Group Leader (then called convenor) in October 2011 after their resignation of the convenor. I have continued as Group Leader ever since. It can be hard to find volunteers willing to step up into the role.  

Probably the highlights during my time as Leader have been the adoption of a Constitution in March 2012 and the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the formation of the group held in August last year.  The group was formed before PCFA came into existence. 

The group meets monthly (except for January) on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at Cancer Council Queensland’s Townsville premises. 

  1. Tell us more about your personal experience with prostate cancer?

I had my first PSA test in 2005 with a 3.3 result and a six-core biopsy did not detect any cancer. My PSA rose gradually to 6.3 in 2010 when a 12-core biopsy found cancer with a Gleason Score of 7.  I had no symptoms. If that GP had not added PSA testing to my annual blood tests things could have been much worse for me. 

It was a few years later after treatment that I found out that an uncle on my father’s side had been treated for prostate cancer. 

I received the cancer diagnosis from the urologist on the Ides of March 2010 (15th March) and was operated on 8th September 2010 (8/9/10) so the dates are easily remembered. 

After the diagnosis I went to a Brisbane for a second opinion on treatment and decided to have a robot assisted prostatectomy at Greenslopes Hospital Brisbane. I was in hospital for only two nights. I recovered from the operation quickly and was back playing golf one month later. 

I had minimal urinary incontinence and did not need pads by Christmas. 

My PSA levels have remained less than 0.01 since my first test three months after the operation. 

What's the biggest challenge you faced after your prostate cancer diagnosis? 

I think I have been very lucky after my operation compared to many other men who have had much more severe side effects than I have. 

Except for the occasional urgent need to urinate my incontinence has been okay.  My sexual function has also recovered somewhat with the use of medication. 

What benefits did you find from joining the Townsville PCSG after you were diagnosed? 

I found the PCSG to be a great help after my diagnosis by being able to talk to other men who had been through the prostate cancer journey. The decision to have my operation in Brisbane was also made easier by these discussions.  
Now as the leader, what motivates you to give back through your role? 

I think my main motivation is being able to assist other men through their prostate cancer journey.  Although I can’t give medical advice, I can help others by directing them to other members of the group who have had similar experiences and to other areas for advice such as PCFA and the Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurses. 

One of the best pieces of feedback we have had is from a wife who said that her husband is a changed person since attending our meetings. 

What do you think is the key to a successful PCSG? 

Get a good committee behind you since one person cannot do all the work.   
What’s on the horizon for the group in 2025?  

It’s business as usual this year. We try and have guest speakers at each of our meetings and allow them up to one hour for presentation and questions. Speakers this year have or will include an exercise physiologist, a lawyer to talk to us about the recently introduced Statement of Choices, Enduring Powers of Attorney, Advanced Health Directives and Wills, a dietitian and a dementia specialist.   

After the presentations we open the floor to any general discussion, introduce any new members and then break for coffee, tea and biscuits where attendees can mingle and chat with each other as wanted. Many of our members bring their partners to the meetings. 

The Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurses at the Townsville University Hospital let each patient they see know about our group and often attend our meeting as well. 

Outside of the PCSG, what do you enjoy doing in your spare time? 

I try and play golf at least twice a week even though I am a bit of a hacker, but I enjoy the banter and a few beers that go with it. I also enjoy watching golf on TV. 

My wife and I also try to do an overseas trip each year which is another reason to have a good committee who can run the group while you are away. The highlight this year for us will be seeing the Northern Lights during a cruise in Norway in October.