17 June 2024

In a rare occasion, the South Australian network of Prostate Cancer Support Groups came together at Government House in Adelaide during Mens Health Week.

Invited by Her Excellency, the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, current Governor of South Australia and partner Mr Rod Bunten to attend along with key members and stakeholders from the PCFA South Australian community of fundraisers and corporate partners, leaders and members of the South Australian Prostate Cancer Support Groups enjoyed the opportunity to have their hard work and passion for support in the community recognized and acknowledged.

Of the group leaders who attended was Richard Harry, outgoing chair of the Limestone Coast Prostate Cancer Support Group, based out of Mt Gambier. Joined by wife Heather, Mr Harry was recently announced as a Member in the Order of Australia on the King’s Birthday Honours List.

Also in attendance was Valerie and Malcolm Hansen, representing the Adelaide Hills Prostate Cancer Support Group, who were also announced as OAM recipients in Kings Birthday Honours list.

After the event, attendees dined at the nearby Cathedral Hotel with members of PCFA including National Chair, Adjunct Associate Prof Steve Callister AM, PCFA Director of Nursing, Sally Sara and PCFA Ambassador Will McDonald.

“A wonderful event and opportunity to recognize the great work of the South Australian Prostate Cancer Support Group Network,” said National Chair, Adjunct Associate Prof Steve Callister AM.

To find out more or to access support, reach out to PCFA via 1800 22 00 99 or visit www.prostate.org.au.

Pictured: Outgoing chair of the Limestone Coast Prostate Cancer Support Group, Richard Harry OAM, Heather Harry, PCFA National Chair, Adjunct Associate Prof Steve Callister AM, Graham Hinze, Naracoorte Prostate Cancer Support Group leader, Jenny Hinze.