The Prostate Pride Support Group was formed in July 2022.

The group has been set up to provide support to the LGBTQI+ community who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, to share common experiences and raise awareness of prostate cancer in a safe and confidential environment.

Partners and family members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Meeting the first Monday of each month, except if a public holiday falls on that date and then the meeting will be the second Monday. Time 6pm.
Thorne Harbour, 200 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067.

Please contact Jaco or Bryan for further information regarding meeting times.

Jaco 0412 106 441

Bryan 0422 566 862

Location of Meeting

Please contact Jaco or Bryan
Thorne Harbour 200 Hoddle Street
Abbotsford VIC 3067


Jaco Erasmus Group Leader
0412 106 441

Bryan Cole Secondary Contact
0422 566 862