- Advanced Prostate Cancer and High-Risk Cancer Zoom Support Group
- Advanced Prostate Cancer Phone Forum
- Albany PCSG
- Bunbury Partners of Men with Prostate Cancer Group
- Bunbury PCSG
- Busselton PCSG
- Denmark PCSG
- Esperance PCSG
- Fremantle PCSG
- Geraldton PCSG
- Kalamunda PCSG
- Mandurah PCSG
- Meeka Support Group
- Ocean Reef PCSG for Perth's Northern Suburbs
- Perth Gay / Bisexual PCSG
- Perth Partners of Men with Prostate Cancer
- Perth & Nedlands PCSG
- Pro Care Support Group
- Prost! Exercise 4 Prostate Cancer Inc.
- Rockingham PCSG
- Southsiders PCSG
- WA Remote, Rural and Regional Prostate Cancer Support Group (Via Zoom)
- Western Suburbs PCSG