The support group was formed in 2007 and is affiliated with the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia. Offering emotional support to members and information to the general public is the main focus of the group.
Meeting dates and guest speakers are advertised in the local community newspapers. Leaflets, books and DVDs on prostate cancer and associated problems are available to borrow at meetings or by contacting the above.
We are happy to give presentations to interested groups and have free information to offer as well as confidential support.
Our meetings are open to all members of the public and we vigorously encourage wives or partners to attend as well.
All people attending are assured of a warm, friendly welcome followed by a cup of tea.
Meeting Dates
The first Wednesday of each month at 7.00pm. The venue is the Richard Rushton Community Centre, Baron Way, Gosnells.
Richard Rushton Community Centre,
24 Baron Way
Gosnells WA 6110