21 June 2024

Prominent business leader Nicki Anderson is asking Aussies to donate the price of a drink to help save lives, all in support of her Dry July campaign raising funds for Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.

This is the fourth year that Nicki is taking part in Dry July, giving up alcohol to raise awareness about prostate cancer and vital funds for PCFA. She is on track to exceed her 2023 fundraising total of $10,000.

“I’ve actually made a head start this year by going Dry during June - in the hope that it will inspire more people to take part in Dry July,” Ms Anderson said.

“I'm committed to doing Dry July and raising funds for PCFA for the rest of my life, because for me, if I can save one man’s life by just raising awareness of the need for people to talk about prostate cancer - that is worth everything.”

“I'm doing it in memory of my dad, who I lost to prostate cancer in 1998. I was really close to my dad, so this is in his memory.”

“Unfortunately, he missed every single sign and never went and got his checkups, or his annual blood test. So, I do it to raise awareness and encourage early detection. I do it so that I can talk about it. It's my little way of giving back.”

Nearly 70 Australian men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every day, with 1 in 5 men at risk of being diagnosed by the time they turn 85.

Early detection and diagnosis is lifesaving. Over 98% of men with early-stage prostate cancer will be alive 5 years after diagnosis. This drops to around 36% for men diagnosed with late-stage cancer.

“If I play back the memory, my dad had all the symptoms - particularly the need to urinate more frequently. For me, it's just helping men to be aware of the kind of signs that are not normal,” Ms Anderson said.

“If you're feeling even just a tad unwell, go get a blood test and make sure that you're getting checked. It's crucial to talk about it and raise awareness for all men. “

CEO of PCFA, Anne Savage, commended Ms Anderson’s commitment to driving awareness about early detection and raising vital funds.

“Ms Anderson, as a National Director of PCFA and renowned business leader, is an inspiration to all of us with her dedication to Dry July, rallying her network to raise funds,” Ms Savage said.

“Prostate cancer is a major threat to men’s health in Australia, with more than 25,000 men diagnosed every year.”

“Funds raised for PCFA through Dry July support our mission of raising awareness of the disease, offering support to those affected and investing in further research into prostate cancer.”

“By donating to Ms Anderson’s campaign, or signing up for Dry July yourself, you’re helping us reduce the impact of prostate cancer on Australian men, their partners and families.”

“Ms Anderson is helping us to help all those affected by prostate cancer in a significant way, ensuring they are not alone when prostate cancer strikes.”

“We are tremendously grateful and thank Ms Anderson for campaigning again this year through Dry July.”

Visit www.dryjuly.com/users/nicki-anderson to donate to Ms Anderson’s campaign.

For more information and to find a local support group, call 1800 22 00 99 or go to www.prostate.org.au.


Media contacts for further information or interviews:

Katie Clift – katie@maybe.agency | +351 913 976 202 | maybe.agency

PCFA – 1800 22 00 99 | pcfa.org.au